Green Pre-Shading of Glass Facades – Preliminary Findings From the GLASGrün Project
Webinar Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 17.00 hrs Prof. DI Dr. Rosemarie Stangl, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Institute of Engineering Biology and Landscaping We now know how important the greening of cities is for the microclimate; tree...
The production of the future: urban planning in civil society
Preliminary remark: This text was written in 1995 and published in 1997 in the anthology ‚Zivile Gesellschaft‘ (Civil Society) edited by Schmals/Heinelt. Reading this text now, nearly 30 years later, I am amazed at how accurately the necessity of the urban development...
Existing Buildings as a Resource – the Green Bunker in St. Pauli, Hamburg
Tuesday, december 3, 2024, 17.00 hrs webinar for free by Dipl.Ing. Marco Schmidt, TU Berlin This huge concrete structure from the Second World War has been transformed into a green Bunker with a 560- meter green mountain path and a 1,400 m2 garden at the top, as well...
Wiener Wäldchen” – About the Application of the Tiny Forest Concept in Vienna
Webinar by Florian Schmid, City of Vienna on the youtube channel of Biotope City Journal Mini-forests, forest islands or so-called 'Tiny Forests' are currently on everyone's lips. A few years ago, Vienna also began to explore the principles of the Miyawaki method for...
Antennas into the future from science, philosophy and art
Is there a fundamental flaw in our Western thinking that has led us into the current complex crisis of climate change, loss of biodiversity and scarcity of resources? What can we do, what must we do to come to terms with nature and its great, overarching cycles in a densely populated world? Because this is entirely possible if we make a number of adjustments to our living conditions… including for urban life: the dense city can become nature, in whose great, overarching context we integrate: the city as a biotope, Biotope City.
Climate Change and Target-Oriented Adaptation Measures
Prof. Helga Kromp-Kolb, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Now available on our YouTube channel: Climate Change and Target-Oriented Measures If you subscribe to the YOUTUBE CHANNEL BIOTOPE-CITY JOURNAL, you won't miss anything, and you will be...
Light Pollution – the Dark Side of Artificial Outdoor Lighting
Lecture and webinar by DI Ramona Cech BSc, Vienna Environmental Ombudsman's Office Artificial lighting has enabled mankind to extend the period of activity, increase productivity and the feeling of safety - LED technology has made lighting more cost-effective than...
Photo on top: The current abandoned Williamsburg Trolley Terminal space Click on images to enlarge them. They will appear in a new tab. After years of planning, another ambitious project rivaling the Highline in all its aspects, both good and bad – is being realized...
Building Greening and Fire Protection
An important topic! The City of Vienna recently introduced new subsidy regulations for the greening and unsealing of buildings - they are exemplary and will certainly lead to a surge in greening, especially in private buildings. And hopefully also provide an impetus...
More Money – More Green: Vienna’s New Funding Guidelines
Lecture by Jürgen Preiss, City of Vienna Now on the YouTube Chanal of BIOTOPE CITY JOURNAL The Vienna City Council recently passed new subsidy guidelines for greening and unsealing buildings, which make it easier...
The production of the future: urban planning in civil society
This text was published in 1997 in the anthology ‘Zivile Gesellschaft’ (Civil Society) edited by Schmals/Heinelt. 25 years later, it is amazing how accurately the necessity of the urban development strategies outlined for solving urban problems were described back then – and at the same time it is shocking how little of the outlined solution strategies, having lost none of their validity, have penetrated into the reality of society and its planning. Yet such a form of planning would be more necessary than ever in order to put a stop to the problems of nature destruction with its biodiversity and climate change on the one hand and the increasing lack of natural resources and space on the other. It is worth reading!
Differentiated Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Effects of Urban Greenery
Which of the green-blue infrastructures, green roofs or façades, or perhaps trees, are the most effective means of climate adaptation, especially against the increasing overheating of our cities? Given the costs involved, which solution is the best choice?
On a Necessary Paradigm Shift From the CO2 Narrative to Water, Vegetation and Soil
Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 17.00 hrs - Webinar with Dr. Marco Schmidt, TU Berlin Climate change, rapid global urbanization, agricultural monocultures, the dramatic decline in biodiversity - these are all complex, mutually dependent processes. Dr. Marco Schmidt says: "The...
Regarder vers l’avenir – tirer les leçons du passé
Amsterdam 1671-1672 La 'baie d'or' du Herengracht. Peinture de Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Gemeente Museum Amsterdam Le développement d'Amsterdam au 17e siècle comme paradigme de l'urbanisme bleu-vert et un exemple réussi à Vienne aujourd'hui Rien ne semble plus...
Looking back to the future – learning from the past
Amsterdam 1671-1672 The 'Golden Bay' of the Herengracht. Painting by Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam On the development of Amsterdam in the 17th century as a paradigm of blue-green urban planning and on a successful example in today's Vienna...
Building the city of the future – a common saying. But what is really happening? Do we realise what the requirements of the future will be? Cities and city districts have to be built with a time horizon of centuries. We have to build the city of the future TODAY. But what does the future look like that we have to build for? What are its demands?
La biodiversité menacée et l’expansion croisante des villem- quoi faire? Considérer la ville elle-même comme une forme de nature et donner de l’espace à la nature sous ses diverses formes dans l’environnement construit. C’est ‘voir la ville comme un biotope’, Biotope City. Conclure un contrat social avec la nature !
The Invasion of Nature into the City
Integrating biodiverse nature into urban areas: What is possible? What is desirable? How does one do it? Does it even make sense? Rules of the game for citizens and professionals in planning, design and maintenance. Prof.Dr. Helga Fassbinder, Foundation Biotope City...
Fire protection with facade greening
Dr. Dieter Werner, Testing, Inspection and Certification Body of the City of Vienna, Head of the Building Physics Laboratory Is facade greening a fire hazard? The City of Vienna has been investigating the fire behavior of facade greening since 2015. In the meantime,...
Rooftop Community Gardens – an extraordinary case at Vienna
Webinar by Margarete Eller The "Gartenwerkstatt" is Europe's largest community rooftop garden. It is located on the roof of a municipal high-rise garage and has about 50 members who have organized themselves as an association. It is a project worth emulating for...
Birds crashing into buildings: The invisible death and how it can be prevented
Lecture by Bendedikt Heger, 13.6., 17 h Every year, hundreds of thousands of birds die in collisions with glass panes in Austria alone. B.Sc, Benedikt Heger from the Vienna Environmental Advocacy's Office explains why this is so, where the danger is particularly...
Urban industrial areas as ecological potential
by dr. ir. Robbert Snep, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands On the youtube canal of BIOTOPE CITY JOURNAL : At a rapid pace, we are still sealing huge areas of land every day - in Austria, this amounted to...
Current findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Lecture by Dr. Guido Halbig, IPCC and Deutscher Wetterdienst It gets hotter and drier in the cities - often in summer hardly bearable. At the same time, localized, extreme precipitation is increasing. Do we definitely have to prepare ourselves for this fact? As the...
Wildlife in The City
The green toad, the field hamster and the alpine bat, many species live next to us in the city. One man's joy, another man's sorrow? How and why is a rich nature in the city so important on a small and large scale? What opportunities are there for people to...
Greening the city – the utopian reality ?
Interview with Helga Fassbinder, emeritus professor at University of Technology and University of Technology Hamburg about the concept of Biotope City and its realization in Vienna, Austria
Green infrastructure as an integrative constituent and prerequisite of urban development
Is there a way to design and implement a customised green infrastructure for new settlement expansions? This article shows how a multifunctional and interdisciplinary planning approach can be used to develop a new settlement area in the city of St.Pölten called “Eisberg” despite climate change.
Greening Facades – A Historical Introduction
Greening buildings has a long tradition and has been practiced for thousands of years: it has many advantages – not only aesthetically, but also in terms of its effects on the environment and health. Recently, it has experienced a revival due to climate change.
The lecture is now online on our youtube channel ! The effects of climate change are not felt equally by everyone. Women, and particularly women from the Global South, are disproportionately affected by climate change and...
Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles SoNeC
SoNeC is a 26 month-long Erasmus+ project including Biotope City. It is funded by the EU’s “KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adult education” program and addresses serious social and environmental issues by applying neighborhood-based, bottom-up, participatory and inclusive decision making processes.
New lecture series on urgent issues of the dense city as nature.
Climate change and the energy transition have made many questions of the dense city as nature urgently explosive. What are the solutions? How do we broadly implement already existing solution? How do we reach investors, citizens, politicians? A new series of...
First forest tower in social housing – planted in the Netherlands
Largely unnoticed by the experts, a special feature in the field of housing stands in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, a city of about 250,000 inhabitants: a Dutch 'Bosco vertical' - but not for rich residents, like the world-famous building in Milan, but a Bosco vertical...
The example of Biotope City Wienerberg: The green city at the crossroad of disciplines, investors and authorities
Contribution to the Conference of the Deutscher Werkbund Berlin on 'New Social Housing', May 2022 As architects and urban planners we design and build products that should still fulfil their function for at least 100 years. Of course, we cannot give an idea of the...
Growing Green Cities Conference: long term thinking in a short termin world
How to think long term in a short term world, for growing green cities?We seldom take time to discuss this question, but in this conference we do! You can register at: With speakers like Minister de Jonge, Derk Loorbach, Barbara...
The Relationship between City and Nature in History
by Inken Baller. Greening architecture and urban development is part of the long tradition of making cities livable and healthy. A look into history up to the recent past.
Photovoltaic Plantscapes
It is a generally accepted requirement that green buildings combined with photovoltaic (PV) energy generation should be increasingly used in cities. However, photovoltaics, the necessary substructure and greening structure must be carefully coordinated. The aim of...
The Hidden Treasures of the Biotope City Wienerberg at Vienna
The Biotope City neighborhood in Vienna is attracting a lot of attention, visits and tours are the order of the day. But most of the sustainable and climate-efficient features are not easily or not at all visible. They are 'hidden treasures'. In order to track them...
Symposium ‘The climate-resilient, green, nature-inclusive city’ – all contributions online !
The 10 most important elements that make up a climate-resilient, green, nature-inclusive city: State of the art. This year saw the completion of Biotope City Wienerberg, a climate-resilient, green, nature-inclusive neighbourhood. The project received the international...
What does biodiversity cost the taxpayer?
Unaffordable, especially now in view of the pandemic’s national debt? Christoph Küffer calculates the costs against the profits using Switzerland as an example.
An uninhabited island in the middle of the big city, where deer and beavers live, where grey herons and cormorants find rich fishing grounds, where marsupial tits build their elaborate nests? A romantic dream? Inner-city nature reserves or fallow land are under high...
Sferen / Atmospheres – Sculpture exhibition
Night-birds, riverbeds, Japanese knotweed and the source of the Mississippi… With their work, the six artists of Sferen make the viewer aware of his relationship with the natural and urban environment.
Urban Mining Technical Soils for Biotope Cities
Pia Minixhofer, Bernhard Scharf, Sebastian Hafner, Thomas Romm Growing cities In the coming years, more and more people will live and work in cities (UN 2018). The accompanying need for more housing and infrastructure is causing construction activity to increase....
Manifesto “BUILDING FOR NATURE” by environmental organisations and the largest construction companies in the Netherlands
"Nature measures must become an obligatory part of housing construction, according to the postulate of nature and environmental organisations and the largest construction companies in the Netherlands. They want nature to become a "natural component" of all new...
10 Theses on the sustainable, climate-friendly City of the Future
Climate change is on everyone's lips. At first glance, today's climate change, beginning with industrialisation in the 19th century, is a local / regional / Earth-wide increase in temperature and weather extremes. But more and more people feel that serious changes are...
The Biotope City Quartier Wienerberg – what is so special with it?
Biotope City Wienerberg is a neighbourhood that has broken new ground in many areas. In this it is part of the great tradition of Viennese housing construction, which for 100 years has repeatedly gone far beyond what was common practice in housing construction at the...
Presentation Colette van Landuyt - second participant in QuoVadis? 2222 Summary: The break between space and time in Western culture resulted in a radical break with nature. Nature is not sensitive to ideologies; it does for its effects. GAIA rebels through...
A recyclable space-time ratio
This essay by Gilles Clement, the famous french paysagist is written 10 years ago – today his urgency is increased only! Recommanded by the editors.
50 years ARCH+
by Helga Fassbinder. Formerly a critical magazin.What function does it fulfil today? Are the major challenges of the future – climate change, loss of biodiversity, scarcity of resources – reflected in terms of construction and planning?
Housing in a climate emergency
An affordable, climate-efficient measure, which could be implemented immediately. By Helga Fassbinder
Michael Sorkin 1948-2020
On March 26, 2020, architect and publicist Michael Sorkin died after being infected with the corona virus. Sorkin was a warm advocate of “green urbanism”.
Mercator Swimming pool Amsterdam
10 Years ago: By protest of the neighbourhood the swimming pool in a inner city park of Amsterdam could only been built completely covered by green. Architect VenhoevenCS, green architekt Patrick Blanc
Biotope City – The dense City as Nature
What does this mean? Is this a real option? Helga Fassbinder shows yes, and there will beno escape from this concept…
Biotope City Symposium Eindhoven
Organized by Foundation Biotope City, Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology and Eindhoven municipality.
The Symposium, originally planned May 15, 2020, will take place later this year at Eindhoven. We hope to be able to announce the new date soon !
Invisible Treasures of a Biotope City
The Biotope City Wienerberg contains many qualities that will not be immediately visible after completion at the end of 2020. Now IBA Vienna has published the broschure “Hidden Treasures”, which describes the hidden treasures of this forward-looking green district.
IT-gesteuerte Planung von Natur in der dichten Stadt
Können die Effekte von Grünbewuchs in der dichten Stadt exakt bereits im Planungsstadium prognostiziert werden? Ja! Bernhard Scharf stellt die Greenpass-Methode vor, die bereits erfolgreich praktisch angewandt wird.
Wie mache ich Bürgern klar, wie wichtig die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten von Regenwasser-Rückhaltung durch Begrünen sind? Prof. Daniel Roer, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, stellt eine Methode vor.
Click on images to enlarge "...The High Line was originally constructed in the 1930s, to lift dangerous freight trains off Manhattan's streets... Friends of the High Line (founded by Joshua David and Robert Hammond, residents of the High Line neighborhood,...
Die KUPFzeitung ist das kulturpolitische Magazin der Kulturplattform OÖ. Sie ist ein zentrales Medium des Kulturdiskurses in Oberösterreich.
[:de]Tagung ‘BIOTOPE CITY – DIE DICHTE STADT ALS NATUR’ 4.10.19 Berlin
Veranstaltet durch das Center for Metropolitan Studies der TU Berlin, den Deutschen Werkbund Berlin und die Stiftung Biotope City
In Sept.2019 the OECD has published a report about the use of material ressources in 2060 compared with 2017
[:de]Je grüner desto kühler
Die österreichische Tageszeitung KURIER berichtet am 1.9.2019 über die Biotope city Wienerberg und ihren Kühlungseffekt mittels Begrünung
A BIOTOPE-CITY-QUARTIER FOR VIENNA Helga Fassbinder In Vienna, a 'Biotope City' district is currently under construction. A neighborhood based on the principles of Biotope City: the realization of a dense urban neighborhood as nature in a close juxtaposition with...
Urban Farming by the City of Vienna
Urban farming for climate change mitigation Press Service of the City of Vienna Mayor Ludwig and City Councillor Sima: Active against climate change with vegetables from ViennaVienna pensioners' homes enjoy organic potatoes from Vienna - new logistics save...
Nuthe settlement in Potsdam – a photo stream
A picture gallery of the Nuthe settlement in short form
pioneer ot hoffmann
Ein Gebäude mitten in der Stadt, bewachsen mit Bäumen auf allen Etagen, gebaut schon in den 70er Jahren, lange vor dem Mailänder Bosco Vertikale. Ein Interview mit dem Architekten
Congress of roof, façade and interior greeningThe Federal Association Building Green e. V. (BuGG) as organizer and organizer of the World Congress Building Green 2020 is an association of scientists, planners, executives, producers, countries / cities and...
Vom 14. Mai 2019 bis zum 11. Juni 2019 fand die zweite Online-Beteiligungsphase zur Charta für das Berliner Stadtgrün statt. Sie ist nun abgeschlossen. Das Verfahren geht weiter.
Ecology and a forest tower
Eine Erkundung des Trudo-Waldturms durch Harrie van Helmond, Architekt und Mitglied von Biotope-City, Jannie Landa, aktiver Stadtgrüner und Mitglied von IVN Eindhoven und Tom van Duuren, Forstdirektor und Mitglied von Wilde Weelde, Abteilung für natürliche Umwelt.
Biotope City – the Gardencity of the 21thCentury
Wie können wir den Lebensraum des Menschen so einrichten und regulieren, dass er in einem Zusammenspiel mit anderen Arten von Leben seine Lebenszeit so gut und gesund wie möglich verbringen kann? Es gilt, die guten Ideen der Gartenstadt zu übersetzen auf die Situation des 21.Jhds.
– Helga Fassbinder –
GREEN EMOTION …. DREAM AND REALITY OF MAD. Ma Yansong and his philosophy about city and nature
Der chinesische Architekt geht nicht aus von einem ‘nachhaltigen’ oder ökologischen’ Naturbezug, sondern von einer Haltung, die sich mit der Natur verbindet.
– Harrie van Helmond e.a. –
[:nl]Een bijzondere vorm van ‘greening’ – weliswaar ecologisch niet helemaal correct, maar wel ook in de winter groen en makkelijk voorzien van automatisch water.
– Harry van Helmond –
Ecology and Madness
‘Ökologie und Wahnsinn’ – ein Symposium auf Burg Hülshoff am 13.Sept.19 im Rahmen des Festivals ‘Natur am Bau’
The Vienna Biotope City in the Press
The Vienna Biotope City in the Press In the Austrian daily newspaper DER STANDARD an article about the Biotope City in Vienna is published in March 2019. Woichiech Czaja emphazises the stimulating effect of green on people’s mind and adds by this another argument to...
The new island Surtsey and the new business district Zuidas of Amsterdam… a revealing comparison
– by Helga Fassbinder –
Ein berühmtes Gedicht von Kurt Tucholsky – treffender den je !
FROM URBAN GREEN TO GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Harry Glück and his green residential complexes
An architect with a vision on green urban living already form the 70ths – now fullfilled as an urban concept in the Biotope City Wienerber, his last work. By Helga Fassbinder
To grow a fence, a bench, a town!
To grow a fence, a bench, a town! An interview with Bob Radstake Leora Rosner When Bob Radstake returned from a trip to Australia he realised how much he missed seeing nature within urban areas. As he states, “I was walking along the street when the idea just fell...
Amsterdam City Hall roof planted
Amsterdam City Hall roof planted Leora Rosner Due to the tenacity of one person a seed was planted and nurtured until it grew and began to blossom. The story of planting the roof of the City Hall of Amsterdam (the Stopera) began in April of 2007 when a letter was sent...
Wild or not: which do you prefer?
Wild or not: which do you prefer? Leora Rosner Wild gardens in our steel, glass and brick jungles offer a softer view. Placed along facades where one would generally never see a garden, because of lack of interest, wild gardens would help create a greener...
In Vienna, a ‘Biotope City’ district is currently under construction. A neighborhood based on the principles of Biotope City: the realization of a dense urban neighborhood as nature in a close juxtaposition with human, their homes, nearby shops, school, kindergarten, and species of flora and fauna, each with their own, closely interlinked sphere of life.
A Wall in the Change of Seasons
A Wall in the Change of Seasons Irene Zluwa The contribution of Irene Zluwa is the result of a study of plants that have a good chance of surviving wall greening. This is certainly interesting for those who want to realize greening the grey house...
IBA VIENNA: Biotope City Wienerberg gets IBA candidate status
IBA VIENNA: Biotope City Wienerberg gets IBA candidate status Author: Biotope City Journal: Vienna is planning an International Building Exhibition for the year 2022. It aims at developing proposals for future oriented solutions and approaches that are on the level of...
[:de]Stadt lebenswert gestalten – Bürgerschaftssinn und Unternehmergeist
Für eine lebenswerte Stadt bedarf es einer aktiven Zivilgesellschaft in Symbiose mit Flora und Fauna, moderiert durch die Politik
– Helga Fassbinder –
es ist nicht alles grün das wächst
es ist nicht alles grün das wächst Iris-a-Maz Video: Iris-a-Maz
He is the grand old man of the Austrian social housing architecture, famous for Alterlaa, mass housing high-rise buildings, without any problems, but only highly satisfied tenants. By Helga Fassbinder
FREI OTTO: HOUSES IN THE TREE - BERLIN 1987 Director, camera, Editor: Beate LendtProduction: Gerald Lindner & Beate LendtMusic and sound: Vladimir Rakic Film: House in the tree (trailer) Living in a tree...
A COMMUNITY GARDEN.... ON THE ROOFTOP OF A SCHOOL Editors Biotope City Journal Paris: A community garden as a green injection on the rooftop of a school - now 3 years later: Since several years the city of Paris makes great efforts to improve the air...
THE CITY AS NATURE: PROGRAMMING A U-TURN IN ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Helga Fassbinder Lecture at Movium, Swedish Landscape University, Alnarp, Conference 'Livet i staden 2012', 26.jan.2012 Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands surprised...
I am the city
I am the city Leora Rosner I am the city Stone, brick, mortar, steel and glass My arteries are the streets The sidewalks my veins My people are the muscles Of my perambulations My breath is short and strained and I am feverish I am the city Nigh...
URBAN FARMING & BUREAUS: ‘Zuidpark’ in Amsterdam
URBAN FARMING & BUREAUS: 'Zuidpark' in Amsterdam - The largest vegetable roof of Europe - the results of one year experience Helga Fassbinder Urban farming is in! In addition to tomatoes and lettuce on balconies and rooftops,...
The formula “The City as Nature” asks for a definition how one understands by nature. Where to start? Where does it belong? The question is explosive, especially among biologists but also among ordinary people: when nature has to be saved: which one? The nature in the state of hundred years ago?
WILDPARK CITY Helga Fassbinder The formula “The City as Nature” asks for a definition how one understands by nature. Where to start? Where does it belong? The question is explosive, especially among biologists but also among ordinary people: when nature has...
In memoriam HARRY GLÜCK – an obit
The renowned Viennese architect Harry Glück died on 13.12.2016. He was one of the great pioneers of green architecture in the dense city.
THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE GREEN Statement at Alpbach Built Environment Symposium 31.8.-1.9.2012 "Creating Living Spaces - How will we live in the future" Helga Fassbinder We are living in a time of fundamental changes. In building too, it seems as if we...
HOMO URBANUS – the man of the urban future
HOMO URBANUS - the man of the urban future Jelle Reumer ‘The environment selects’ is a well-known Darwinist paradigm. The idea also holds water when the environment changes, in which case the changed environment selects. An environment without...
LIVING ROOFS – A catalyst for building communities
LIVING ROOFS – A catalyst for building communities Charlie Green, Jane Riddiford 1. Introduction This article is based what we have been discovering through the development of a Living Roof on top of an office building in Kings Cross, Central London. The project has...
URBAN COOTS - URBANE BLESSHÜHNER - FOULQUES URBAINES - WATERHOENTJES Sema Bekiroviç In the canals of Amsterdam they are often to be seen: coot that fourage on the caddis walls, build their nests and hatch their eggs and then swim through the water with...
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