The production of the future: urban planning in civil society

Preliminary remark: This text was written in 1995 and published in 1997 in the anthology ‚Zivile Gesellschaft‘ (Civil Society) edited by Schmals/Heinelt. Reading this text now, nearly 30 years later, I am amazed at how accurately the necessity of the urban development...

Climate Change and Target-Oriented Adaptation Measures 

Climate Change and Target-Oriented Adaptation Measures 

Prof. Helga Kromp-Kolb, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Now available on our YouTube channel:  Climate Change and Target-Oriented Measures If you subscribe to the YOUTUBE CHANNEL BIOTOPE-CITY JOURNAL, you won't miss anything, and you will be...

Light Pollution – the Dark Side of Artificial Outdoor Lighting

Light Pollution – the Dark Side of Artificial Outdoor Lighting

Lecture and webinar by DI Ramona Cech BSc, Vienna Environmental Ombudsman's Office Artificial lighting has enabled mankind to extend the period of activity, increase productivity and the feeling of safety - LED technology has made lighting more cost-effective than...



Photo on top: The current abandoned Williamsburg Trolley Terminal space Click on images to enlarge them. They will appear in a new tab. After years of planning, another ambitious project rivaling the Highline in all its aspects, both good and bad – is being realized...

Regarder vers l’avenir – tirer les leçons du passé

Regarder vers l’avenir – tirer les leçons du passé

Amsterdam 1671-1672 La 'baie d'or' du Herengracht. Peinture de Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Gemeente Museum Amsterdam Le développement d'Amsterdam au 17e siècle comme paradigme de l'urbanisme bleu-vert et un exemple réussi à Vienne aujourd'hui Rien ne semble plus...

Looking back to the future – learning from the past

Looking back to the future – learning from the past

Amsterdam 1671-1672 The 'Golden Bay' of the Herengracht. Painting by Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam On the development of Amsterdam in the 17th century as a paradigm of blue-green urban planning and on a successful example in today's Vienna...