by Helga Fassbinder | | Uncategorized
Burg HülshoffSchonebeck 6,48329 HavixbeckKontakttel. +49 (0)2534 Program:10.30 UhrBegrüßung / Reception10.45 UhrLecture: From Bauhaus To EcohouseProf. Peder Anker11.30 UhrLecture: Biotope CityProf. Helga Fassbinder12.30 UhrKaffepause /...
by Helga Fassbinder | | Uncategorized
The Vienna Biotope City in the Press In the Austrian daily newspaper DER STANDARD an article about the Biotope City in Vienna is published in March 2019. Woichiech Czaja emphazises the stimulating effect of green on people’s mind and adds by this another argument to...