theory & concepts



Photo on top: The current abandoned Williamsburg Trolley Terminal space Click on images to enlarge them. They will appear in a new tab. After years of planning, another ambitious project rivaling the Highline in all its aspects, both good and bad – is being realized...

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Building Greening and Fire Protection

Building Greening and Fire Protection

An important topic! The City of Vienna recently introduced new subsidy regulations for the greening and unsealing of buildings - they are exemplary and will certainly lead to a surge in greening, especially in private buildings. And hopefully also provide an impetus...

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The production of the future: urban planning in civil society

The production of the future: urban planning in civil society

This text was published in 1997 in the anthology ‘Zivile Gesellschaft’ (Civil Society) edited by Schmals/Heinelt. 25 years later, it is amazing how accurately the necessity of the urban development strategies outlined for solving urban problems were described back then – and at the same time it is shocking how little of the outlined solution strategies, having lost none of their validity, have penetrated into the reality of society and its planning. Yet such a form of planning would be more necessary than ever in order to put a stop to the problems of nature destruction with its biodiversity and climate change on the one hand and the increasing lack of natural resources and space on the other. It is worth reading!

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Regarder vers l’avenir – tirer les leçons du passé

Regarder vers l’avenir – tirer les leçons du passé

Amsterdam 1671-1672 La 'baie d'or' du Herengracht. Peinture de Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Gemeente Museum Amsterdam Le développement d'Amsterdam au 17e siècle comme paradigme de l'urbanisme bleu-vert et un exemple réussi à Vienne aujourd'hui Rien ne semble plus...

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Looking back to the future – learning from the past

Looking back to the future – learning from the past

Amsterdam 1671-1672 The 'Golden Bay' of the Herengracht. Painting by Gerrit Adriaensz. Berckheyde, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam On the development of Amsterdam in the 17th century as a paradigm of blue-green urban planning and on a successful example in today's Vienna...

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Building the city of the future – a common saying. But what is really happening? Do we realise what the requirements of the future will be? Cities and city districts have to be built with a time horizon of centuries. We have to build the city of the future TODAY. But what does the future look like that we have to build for? What are its demands?

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La biodiversité menacée et l’expansion croisante des villem- quoi faire? Considérer la ville elle-même comme une forme de nature et donner de l’espace à la nature sous ses diverses formes dans l’environnement construit. C’est ‘voir la ville comme un biotope’, Biotope City. Conclure un contrat social avec la nature !

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The Invasion of Nature into the City

The Invasion of Nature into the City

Integrating biodiverse nature into urban areas: What is possible? What is desirable? How does one do it? Does it even make sense? Rules of the game for citizens and professionals in planning, design and maintenance. Prof.Dr. Helga Fassbinder, Foundation Biotope City...

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Fire protection with facade greening

Fire protection with facade greening

Dr. Dieter Werner, Testing, Inspection and Certification Body of the City of Vienna, Head of the Building Physics Laboratory Is facade greening a fire hazard? The City of Vienna has been investigating the fire behavior of facade greening since 2015. In the meantime,...

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Urban industrial areas as ecological potential

Urban industrial areas as ecological potential

by dr. ir. Robbert Snep, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands On the youtube canal of BIOTOPE CITY JOURNAL : At a rapid pace, we are still sealing huge areas of land every day - in Austria, this amounted to...

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Wildlife in The City

Wildlife in The City

The green toad, the field hamster and the alpine bat, many species live next to us in the city.  One man's joy, another man's sorrow? How and why is a rich nature in the city so important on a small and large scale? What opportunities are there for people to...

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Greening Facades – A Historical Introduction

Greening Facades – A Historical Introduction

Greening buildings has a long tradition and has been practiced for thousands of years: it has many advantages – not only aesthetically, but also in terms of its effects on the environment and health. Recently, it has experienced a revival due to climate change.

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The lecture is now online on our youtube channel ! The effects of climate change are not felt equally by everyone. Women, and particularly women from the Global South, are disproportionately affected by climate change and...

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Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles   SoNeC

Sociocratic Neighbourhood Circles SoNeC

SoNeC is a 26 month-long Erasmus+ project including Biotope City. It is funded by the EU’s “KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adult education” program and addresses serious social and environmental issues by applying neighborhood-based, bottom-up, participatory and inclusive decision making processes.

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Photovoltaic Plantscapes

Photovoltaic Plantscapes

It is a generally accepted requirement that green buildings combined with photovoltaic (PV) energy generation should be increasingly used in cities. However, photovoltaics, the necessary substructure and greening structure must be carefully coordinated. The aim of...

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An uninhabited island in the middle of the big city, where deer and beavers live, where grey herons and cormorants find rich fishing grounds, where marsupial tits build their elaborate nests? A romantic dream? Inner-city nature reserves or fallow land are under high...

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Urban Mining Technical Soils for Biotope Cities

Urban Mining Technical Soils for Biotope Cities

Pia Minixhofer, Bernhard Scharf, Sebastian Hafner, Thomas Romm Growing cities In the coming years, more and more people will live and work in cities (UN 2018). The accompanying need for more housing and infrastructure is causing construction activity to increase....

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Presentation Colette van Landuyt - second participant in QuoVadis? 2222 Summary: The break between space and time in Western culture resulted in a radical break with nature. Nature is not sensitive to ideologies; it does for its effects. GAIA rebels through...

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A recyclable space-time ratio

A recyclable space-time ratio

This essay by Gilles Clement, the famous french paysagist is written 10 years ago – today his urgency is increased only! Recommanded by the editors.

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50 years ARCH+

50 years ARCH+

by Helga Fassbinder. Formerly a critical magazin.What function does it fulfil today? Are the major challenges of the future – climate change, loss of biodiversity, scarcity of resources – reflected in terms of construction and planning?

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Michael Sorkin 1948-2020

On March 26, 2020, architect and publicist Michael Sorkin died after being infected with the corona virus. Sorkin was a warm advocate of “green urbanism”.

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Mercator Swimming pool Amsterdam

Mercator Swimming pool Amsterdam

10 Years ago: By protest of the neighbourhood the swimming pool in a inner city park of Amsterdam could only been built completely covered by green. Architect VenhoevenCS, green architekt Patrick Blanc

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Biotope City Symposium Eindhoven

Biotope City Symposium Eindhoven

Organized by Foundation Biotope City, Architectuurcentrum Eindhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology and Eindhoven municipality.
The Symposium, originally planned May 15, 2020, will take place later this year at Eindhoven. We hope to be able to announce the new date soon !

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Invisible Treasures of a Biotope City

Invisible Treasures of a Biotope City

The Biotope City Wienerberg contains many qualities that will not be immediately visible after completion at the end of 2020. Now IBA Vienna has published the broschure “Hidden Treasures”, which describes the hidden treasures of this forward-looking green district.

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Wie mache ich Bürgern klar, wie wichtig die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten von Regenwasser-Rückhaltung durch Begrünen sind? Prof. Daniel Roer, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, stellt eine Methode vor.

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