Robbert Snep
researcher urban (landscape) ecology
team Urban-Rural Interactions
Landscape Centre,
Alterra Wageningen UR
Visitor address:
Droevendaalsesteeg 3 – building nr. 100 (Alterra)
Wageningen – Netherlands
Mail address:
P.O. Box 47 6700 AA Wageningen
Field-herpetologist in the city of Eindhoven since late 1980’s
Co-initiator of the Foundation for Urban Nature in Eindhoven (1993)
Graduated from his BSc. Education in Biology in 1997
Started as researcher in landscape ecology at Alterra, Wageningen UR in 1998; worked on several urban ecological projects since 1998 (e.g.
Graduated from his MSc. education in Landscape Ecology (Wageningen University) in 2002.
Member of steering committee of Dutch Urban Ecology working group; moderator of online discussion group for urban ecologists
Initiator of the European Network for Urban Landscape Ecology (ENULE) in 2003; by 2007 more than 60 international researchers on Urban Ecology participate in ENULE (
Guest-speaker on Urban Ecology at Wageningen University, Technical University Eindhoven and Free University Amsterdam; invited speaker at several international congresses.
Started a PhD-study at Wageningen University on the opportunities that business sites and port areas may provide for nature conservation; graduation aimed for 2008.
Associate editor of the scientific journal Urban Ecosystems since 2007; since 2005 reviewer for manuscripts on Urban Ecology to be published in journals as Ecology, Landscape and Urban Planning and Urban Ecosystems.
Initiator of Urban Ecology symposium, workshop and excursion (location: Amsterdam) at the World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), July 2007, Ede, the Netherlands (
As Alterra-researcher cooperating with architects, project developers and designers in several urban development projects in which there is special attention for ecology (e.g. in DUO2 consortium, as partners of Baljon Landscape architects