by Biotope City | | Architecture & Urban development, Categorieën, News
Webinar Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 17.00 hrs Prof. DI Dr. Rosemarie Stangl, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Institute of Engineering Biology and Landscaping We now know how important the greening of cities is for the microclimate; tree...
by Biotope City | | Categorieën, News
Tuesday, december 3, 2024, 17.00 hrs webinar for free by Dipl.Ing. Marco Schmidt, TU Berlin This huge concrete structure from the Second World War has been transformed into a green Bunker with a 560- meter green mountain path and a 1,400 m2 garden at the top, as well...
by Biotope City | | Architecture & Urban development, Categorieën, News
Webinar by Florian Schmid, City of Vienna on the youtube channel of Biotope City Journal Mini-forests, forest islands or so-called ‘Tiny Forests’ are currently on everyone’s lips. A few years ago, Vienna also began to explore the principles of the...
by Biotope City | | Architecture & Urban development, News, Technology & Innovation
Webinar with Dipl. Ing. (FH) Peter Küsters, co-founder of Greenpass GmbH and owner of “Küsters Grün.Stadt.Klima” Now available on our YouTube channel IMPORTANT: There is an English translation available for this video, just click on the...