Green Pre-Shading of Glass Facades – Preliminary Findings From the GLASGrün Project
Webinar Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 17.00 hrs Prof. DI Dr. Rosemarie Stangl, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Institute of Engineering Biology and Landscaping We now know how important the greening of cities is for the microclimate; tree...
The production of the future: urban planning in civil society
Preliminary remark: This text was written in 1995 and published in 1997 in the anthology ‚Zivile Gesellschaft‘ (Civil Society) edited by Schmals/Heinelt. Reading this text now, nearly 30 years later, I am amazed at how accurately the necessity of the urban development...
Existing Buildings as a Resource – the Green Bunker in St. Pauli, Hamburg
Tuesday, december 3, 2024, 17.00 hrs webinar for free by Dipl.Ing. Marco Schmidt, TU Berlin This huge concrete structure from the Second World War has been transformed into a green Bunker with a 560- meter green mountain path and a 1,400 m2 garden at the top, as well...
Wiener Wäldchen” – About the Application of the Tiny Forest Concept in Vienna
Webinar by Florian Schmid, City of Vienna on the youtube channel of Biotope City Journal Mini-forests, forest islands or so-called 'Tiny Forests' are currently on everyone's lips. A few years ago, Vienna also began to explore the principles of the Miyawaki method for...
Antennas into the future from science, philosophy and art
Is there a fundamental flaw in our Western thinking that has led us into the current complex crisis of climate change, loss of biodiversity and scarcity of resources? What can we do, what must we do to come to terms with nature and its great, overarching cycles in a densely populated world? Because this is entirely possible if we make a number of adjustments to our living conditions… including for urban life: the dense city can become nature, in whose great, overarching context we integrate: the city as a biotope, Biotope City.
Climate Change and Target-Oriented Adaptation Measures
Prof. Helga Kromp-Kolb, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Now available on our YouTube channel: Climate Change and Target-Oriented Measures If you subscribe to the YOUTUBE CHANNEL BIOTOPE-CITY JOURNAL, you won't miss anything, and you will be...
Light Pollution – the Dark Side of Artificial Outdoor Lighting
Lecture and webinar by DI Ramona Cech BSc, Vienna Environmental Ombudsman's Office Artificial lighting has enabled mankind to extend the period of activity, increase productivity and the feeling of safety - LED technology has made lighting more cost-effective than...
Photo on top: The current abandoned Williamsburg Trolley Terminal space Click on images to enlarge them. They will appear in a new tab. After years of planning, another ambitious project rivaling the Highline in all its aspects, both good and bad – is being realized...
Building Greening and Fire Protection
An important topic! The City of Vienna recently introduced new subsidy regulations for the greening and unsealing of buildings - they are exemplary and will certainly lead to a surge in greening, especially in private buildings. And hopefully also provide an impetus...
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